MJ is the publisher of the blog Pars Caeli (a piece of heaven), her webhome where she invites lively participation and shares in the joys of a thoughtful life. Pars Caeli is a cozy space with posts on happiness and heartbreak and parenting and the wonders of childhood, as well as design, fashion, and DIY. MJ is a graphic designer and social media junkie who juggles the big personalities of her 8-, 6-, and 3-year old children while daydreaming of the next date night with her best friend. If you’re in need of a corny joke, follow MJ’s feed of #lunchboxnotes from ParsCaeli on Instagram.
You can find this week’s Endless Summer Projects post on Classic Play, where Jennifer shares a fun tutorial for making these cute bug habitats!
Be sure to share your own Endless Summer Projects on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #endlesssummerprojects! And if you missed the previous Endless Summer Projects posts, you can find all of the links below…
So happy to see MJ here! Her lunchbox notes always make me smile and are the highlight of my Instagram feed. I hope that both of you jet set ladies are having a wonderful week! xo
Thanks, Joy! I know I had a blast in Florida, and from MJ’s instagram pix, it seems like she lived it up in NYC!